Our Sock-Hop Fundraiser was a Success!

  • American Legion 703
  • Brennan's Catering Services 
  • Jennifer Hylton Bachman and her Photography Booth
  • Dee Jay Drew Sky 
  • Shannon Smoot and Lakewood United Methodist Youth Group. 
  • Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Parish 

We Thank all of the people who were able to make it and support us:
  •  The American Legion and Women's Auxiliary 703
  • Adam Neff and MIM 
  • All Seasons and Siding 
  • Hare Electricity 
  • Christoper Drazil Attorney At Law
  •  Fragapane Bakery 


Thank You to everyone who were able to attend or support us!

We  offer our gratitude and  appreciation to  Nicole and Ethan and this  team from Home Depot , as the store on 117th and Berea continue to help us and walk with us in helping others!   This location and  team are pretty wonderful!!  

