Home bound and Shut in.
The 3rd Saturday of the month is So Very Important to us as we are honored and celebrate being able to visit home bound seniors.. The community that we visit mean so very much to us as they are apart of our family whose experiences help us as we share laughter and tears.
Home bound or Shut in means some luxuries like; walking to the other room, going to check the mail, or going to the store is more than a challenge. For some of our senior family they're accompanied with; walkers, oxygen tanks, or wheel chairs. Many of our home bound and seniors need more attention, and today with one of our family due to the lack of attention she is without an aid helping her with her home and her med's.
We also celebrate our collaboration of friends with Our Lady Help of Christians Parish who help us the 3rd Saturday of the month who take time with us to deliver hope and goods.
Today friends delivered the holiday bags for many who live outside, offering weather appropriate items along with some goodies. Thank You!
We celebrate with you the aid that happens from walking together!
In sharing some Thank You's we also need to add; Carol- Nancy-Rose .
We need to say some Thank You's to some incredible communities who save thousands
of lives a year Laura's House with and The City Mission!!
Laura's House Woman's Crisis Center
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