Hopes for 2019

People have asked us what are some of our needs.... 

We have been blessed with some wonderful Angels and collaborations this year, and have hopefully touched a few lives. We've walked with some great people and tried to improve some daily struggles. 

Need's can be a funny word as we touch on others who struggle for air to breathe... Food for their child... or a special brand of soap during radiation or chemo.. 

It's funny how the struggles of others can make a need not feel so extreme.. 

Our Hope List for 2019 might have

To stay and maintain the space we currently have!

  More collaborations in helping us to:

  •  Organize Donations

  • Offer Canned Drives as our program is reaching more in need of food we need canned meats.

  • Help us with distribution. 
More Sponsor's to assist with funds. 

We could use some help this year with more Fundraisers

We have different expenses than the previous years due to the volume of  people we're serving and buying food for. This past year we celebrate reaching more people and offering more food than we ever have. We buy the food for 300 plus people a month, which is different than serving 18 home bound seniors and others some. 

To do this takes funding for independent contractors which most grants do not cover funding for. We have to take care of our family inside and out. So this year a hope is to find some help to coordinate more sponsors and fundraising.   

To feed more people in the community with basic needs that have challenged the quality of one's or many with in a family. 
Trials for Hope has been so blessed to create a few new ripples in reaching out to more children in need and parents whose children have autism through working with newer collaborations. Our prayers are that when other families see that hunger is about hunger, and not a definition about anything else.. more will be open to help.   

These are some "need's", or Hope's in 2019....  ( at least so far ) 
