Thursday in walking together!
As the holiday's are coming to an end, we pray that the spirit of being here for another doesn't get lost with ;to do's, the traffic lights, the deadlines, and getting back to the day to day.
In every holiday we have an awareness and for some a Ah Ha moment.
We can't offer enough gratitude for those spiritual Ah ha Moments!!
In a pause we're getting together a photo's to reflect some moments of 2018.
We Thank Malachi House for the continued support in our left over program, that continues to help others. So many people don't realize as we didn't that some senior's insurance does not cover the full month of diapers a senior might need for the month. So not only is one who might be on subsidized income might not have enough to eat, they struggle for dignity as well.
These are some of our grandma's and grandpa's who've worked their entire lives.
" Does Medicare Cover Adult Diapers? Original Medicare, Part A and B, doesn't consider adult diapers or other incontinence supplies, such as adult briefs, pads, or liners, to be Durable Medical Equipment (DME) or supplies, and therefore doesn't cover these items.Sep 12, 2018"
We have a dynamic team of Dawn and Josie who make or toiletry bags up for our; collaborations , meals and camps. They are something wonderful and we can't celebrate them enough, as well as our personal care items! Personal Care items are not covered by food stamps.... Soap, toilet paper ... Nope!!
We want to empower others to understand that on a subsidized income with one on food stamps, basic personal care can be a challenge. Nobody says that they don't want to feel good and respect themselves, not everyone has the same luxuries.
Self Respect and dignity isn't supposed to be income based.
In sharing our gratitude we need to also thank; Christopher Moore, Sue and Anna, and John who sure made a difference in helping!
Riderz of the Reaper came with Rebecca and Thursday's we know that they are going to
make it! They come with gifts as Mike's Mom makes sandwiches for us to pass out, that our family love and we appreciate!
We also were blessed with some more friends from Holy Angles Church and a new gentleman Scott from Hoehnen Landscaping whose humility also added a blessing. We Thank you for the clothing and the hoodies, as we just can't keep them long enough. In giving clothing to our family outside the items may not last long when they get wet, although they sure make a difference for that moment.
In closing we continue to celebrate Our Lady Help of Christians Parish whose survival bags are making a difference. Teresa B and the collaborations with Father Ron offered another year of these with basic's like; emergency blankets, band aids, baby wipes for clean hands, candy, socks.. so many things that we all can just take for granted.
Thank You Everyone !!
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