In doing Trials for Hope one of the biggest honor's is seeing that God placed you with an idea and not only does what you do touch another, the honor is seeing another touched and transformed by humility.
One of the biggest gifts is seeing not only another changed, to see how someone your feeling called to help have hope.
We at Trials for Hope are so truly touched to be a little part of so many groups who go out or have a heart and a service to touch another whose voice isn't heard.
So many groups in Cleveland have their arms open and are touching and saving lives, from what started as an idea and they followed!! Mother Teresa talks about :
Mother Teresa Quotes. " We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."
We celebrate all of the groups and non profits and others whose showing up to help another!!
For us we celebrate Holy Angels Church and Riderz of the Reaper along with other
individuals who give us the privilege to share what has changed us, to hopefully change them as well.
It takes courage to step out of the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday routine to go out into a snowy night to look for people that may or may not be outside. We celebrate our walk with; Liia, Edwin, Arron, and Carmen who shared our walk last night!!
We don't do a lot of facebook posting's unless we're celebrating unity or giving awareness to another, although we're here!! Showing up...
Thank You if your drinking your coffee reading this, in sharing our adventure of the day for visiting... I hope you have a great day!!!
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