Grant Elementary

Months ago an idea was shared through Pastor Laura with Lakewood United Methodist and a woman named Sue from Grant Elementary to us about helping Children and Hunger. The Food bank stresses that 1 out of every 5 Children do not have enough to eat... In other countries it's one out of every one.

We're so touched to be able to walk with; Pastor Laura, Sue, Grant, and Cleveland's Food Bank in helping some families live a little better.. There's such a difference in " surviving and living", and intellectually it's very easy to say... well sure... . It's so very different when it's you personally.

To not know how long  the food you bought will last, and have no money to freely choose what you'd like to eat or to choose what item you'd like to bathe with... So many luxuries that can be taken for granted. When your food insecure you have choices, although if you don't know how to spice or sweeten something up you might not eat....

We're trying because a factor of enabling is an issue. If we just give and not empower, then a dependency is created and " the fishing lessons become a dinner".

We want to Thank Everyone with Grant Elementary to letting us assist in hunger and to help the little one's who have no say in why they don't have food. We have to be pro active for our children because it's the strength of living that will help them to strive to be more.

Thank You to Sue Wilhelm and Principal Miss Turner for doing a drive for us!! 

Food such as; canned meats, noodles, cereal, P and J are such blessings!!

We also want to Thank; John Smith and Company from Holy Angels Church , Jennifer from Fields UMC , Lisa Drazil and St. Paul's Lutheran Church,Joy,  who also have or are hoping to help as well! 

We need help in walking with others to live a little better! 
