
Showing posts from March, 2019

A mediation .

Catching up with the end of March.

Many Thank You's!

We Thank You!!

More Thank You's for others in March.

Catching up with the week March 22nd,

A new video from Channel 5 shot by Randy Ziemnik


Welcoming back old friends and new one's

We welcome back All Action and Plumbing. L.L.C. as Jeff and his donations as well as commitment has helped us to help others! We have a new group with the help of Jerry and Joe today whose helping hands saved a lot of time! Thank you to Steve from our team who works so well with this group, and Janis who came by later to help!

Thank You for another beginning.

We also need to say a Thank You to Sue W. for helping, and her daughter for the drawings and cards! Both of you also made many smiles!! Happy Birthday to Steve Primeau -------------------------------------------------------

Love them Anyways

"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. -this version is credited to Mother Teresa"

2nd Thursday of the month.

The stats as we posted on our facebook page is just devastating, and the hunger counts are going to be a lot more as SSI and SSDI went up in checks and lower in food stamps.                                     From the Greater Cleveland Food Bank  Food Insecurity  The U.S. Department of Agriculture classifies households as food insecure if they experience, at some times during the year, limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods.  A food insecure household does not have access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members.   One in six residents from our six county service area was food insecure in 2016 (16.6%).  That’s a total of 308,460 people. More than one in five children from our service area lived in a food insecure household in 2016 (20.7%).  That’s more than 83,000 children. Cuyaho...

Thanking 11430.

Every day is a day offered by Grace.  Thank you to many today who helped to touch on another's life, and shared this opportunity with us.  We celebrate the help from; Jim, Steve, Joey, Austin, Greg, Randy, and everyone at 11430 Clifton . 

More for thought

Tuesday's Evening Outing

Thanking The Rotary

More Blessings for February

Thank You to Karen who painted this for us!!!  MAD Class at Church  Grant Program  Grant Program  Nehemiah Fundraiser coming up and family collaborations! 

We celebrate many whose taken time to walk with us

No one want to walk through challenges alone, although we have thousands who do in Cleveland and just on the west side.  As so many of us struggle with different types of poverty, it's not just one out of 5 kids and 1 out of  every 6 adults with hunger. How many of us felt alone or unsure, or struggled with addiction and or recovery today. How many of us didn't have a faucet to turn on or  bed to lay on today.  We're trying to touch on the need of several and as our attempts may not be major, our hope is a few people lived a little easier this week.  In sharing some Thank You's: We had a great UMC Church from Medina Saturday who helped us to make many food bags with the help of Nehemiah Mission , and we Thank you for offering us help!  Due to the amount of food bags, we were out of noodles to use if we had run out this week.  We went through just ,many food bags this week, and as we were out of noodles we are now in need o...

Continued End of February

Catching up End of February