We celebrate many whose taken time to walk with us

No one want to walk through challenges alone, although we have thousands who do in Cleveland and just on the west side. 

As so many of us struggle with different types of poverty, it's not just one out of 5 kids and 1 out of  every 6 adults with hunger. How many of us felt alone or unsure, or struggled with addiction and or recovery today. How many of us didn't have a faucet to turn on or  bed to lay on today. 

We're trying to touch on the need of several and as our attempts may not be major, our hope is a few people lived a little easier this week. 

In sharing some Thank You's:

We had a great UMC Church from Medina Saturday who helped us to make many food bags with the help of Nehemiah Mission , and we Thank you for offering us help! 

Due to the amount of food bags, we were out of noodles to use if we had run out this week. 
We went through just ,many food bags this week, and as we were out of noodles we are now in need of Tuna. That's just what happens when you serve more than a few, with limited donations. 

We do need to celebrate the help of Facebook to get the word out and donations from;
Lakewood UMC Youth Group and the leaders of 
Lakewood UMC Community 
Jim L. and his family
Riderz of the Reaper
Lisa Drazil and St. Paul's Lutheran Church 
Fields UMC
and more who responded so quickly!  

Our hope is in the next few months to get some major canned drives going for Canned Meats and Noodles!! We need some help with this to help families of young children and for families whose children have autism. 

This week we have been blessed with a weekly donation from Malachi House and from this donation, and the help of Trials for Hope team our home bound - shut in seniors had laundry and dish soap. 
This is huge when you can't leave your home and deserve to have dignity by clean dishes and clothing!! 

Holy Angels Church with John and Scott have been such help in visiting our family that happen to live outside, and Riderz of the Reaper continue to make Thursday's possible.  
We celebrate all of you because our help in the evening has changed and as other groups visit many who we visit, by doing this has added to our spirituality also. 

In doing Wednesday's with our Trials for Hope team, we have Jim and Steve with gratitude Wednesday's we have help from the recovery communities. We know and try to " Give it Away to Keep It", and helping and witnessing others find this out makes us very rich!! 

   We had our Spaghetti Again this week and need to Thank the; Church of Ascension for the free space and use of their kitchen, Rita from this community, The Lantern with Tony Parker and Richie whose the house father along with years of assistance, Steve from our team and Alice!! Also, a meal wouldn't be a meal without Lisa Drazil and the tray of cookies!! 

Grant Elementary School
with Delivery Program that is in collaboration with Sue from Grant and Lakewood UMC - Pastor Laura -Reverend Dan and community today who helped with us of  this program. 
We also had help from Jim and Steve with our program and youth from a P.E.P. program that together went to many! They and we distributed A LOT of food!! 

So now we're looking for donations as mentioned above of Mac and Cheese and Tuna!!   

We celebrate everyone!! 

                                                                         Thank You!!! 
