Showing posts from December, 2018
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" Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Albert Camus " Rem -Everybody Hurts. Our hope is that as " everybody hurts ", in walking together we see that our family and ourselves do not have to walk alone. It's not the differences that set us apart, it brings us together as Love only has one form.... genuine. We hope that you continue to walk with us through out 2019 as we face more challenges, because the needs aren't going to change. We will always have the same poverty that we have had, although our hope is that for some they might not suffer as often. Thank You!!
Hopes for 2019
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People have asked us what are some of our needs.... We have been blessed with some wonderful Angels and collaborations this year, and have hopefully touched a few lives. We've walked with some great people and tried to improve some daily struggles. Need's can be a funny word as we touch on others who struggle for air to breathe... Food for their child... or a special brand of soap during radiation or chemo.. It's funny how the struggles of others can make a need not feel so extreme.. Our Hope List for 2019 might have To stay and maintain the space we currently have! More collaborations in helping us to: Organize Donations Offer Canned Drives as our program is reaching more in need of food we need canned meats. Help us with distribution. More Sponsor's to assist with funds. We could use some help this year with more Fundraisers We have different expenses than the previous year...
Thursday in walking together!
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As the holiday's are coming to an end, we pray that the spirit of being here for another doesn't get lost with ;to do's, the traffic lights, the deadlines, and getting back to the day to day. In every holiday we have an awareness and for some a Ah Ha moment. We can't offer enough gratitude for those spiritual Ah ha Moments!! In a pause we're getting together a photo's to reflect some moments of 2018. We Thank Malachi House for the continued support in our left over program, that continues to help others. So many people don't realize as we didn't that some senior's insurance does not cover the full month of diapers a senior might need for the month. So not only is one who might be on subsidized income might not have enough to eat, they struggle for dignity as well. These are some of our grandma's and grandpa's who've worked their entire lives. "
Christmas day
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This holiday has brought so many blessings of examples of humility and harmony through others! We need such gratitude today for; Michael Mackow, Joshua Mc Danial and family, Lisa Belza and her family, Michael Udell and Lacey who offered some of their holiday for others. Also we wanted to mention our gratitude to Calvary Church in Lakewood, and Scott Earnest and Cindy among many from Lakewood United Methodist Church who offered a dinner tonight. Too many people just do not have enough to eat weather it's Christmas; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.. The beauty of being there for another can be the best gift of all! Blessings and Love to Everyone as we close 2018 Christmas .
Thanking our community family
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Today we were offered grace with some people who took time out of their day and holiday, to help us with some to do's that were many! So often we share that " WE ", can't do this alone and today was just one of those day's. We need to Celebrate; John, Scott and Cynthia with Lakewood UMC who stopped by to help. We also celebrate Steve P. and his family as well as; Mikey, Janice, Rita, Mark, Lisa and her family, Nancy and John who sure made today happen!! The Church of Ascension continue to bless us with space and the donations from sponsors and others help to fund meals that we offer, as so many fall through the cracks! We Thank the City Mission for their continued donations!
Shut ins forget me not holiday
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We need to offer some extra Thank you's to; Patty Kleve, Katie and Dave Stack, Devin Mills, and Bonnie Faust in helping today with some wonderful holiday items for our home bound. Home bound or Shut in's describe our seniors whose day to day activities have been compromised, due to health or age. We have been blessed with some courageous people who for many have set an example of Courage and Strength. Our family doesn't have many luxuries materially, although the richness in watching over each other fills many spirits! This area has a richness of unity, where every life matters. Katie and Patty had worked so very hard on the bags and Bonnie and her baking elves made some wonderful holiday cookies, that one of our family had hoped we had again!! She was so very happy that we did, and we Thank Everyone for such beauty! We also wanted to share a picture of a jar of 100%honey that also went to our family, which carries some amaz...
This week in Thank You's
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In catching up for the past few days. We need to share a Thank You to Holy Angels Church for walking and helping us Tuesday and Thursday with; organizing, drop off's and camps. We also need to celebrate the continued help from Riderz of the Reaper, as they help to make this outreach possible. Our family outside has been extra blessed between Onix Outreach and Our Lady help of Christians Parish. Our families have more by the donations from from Calvary Church, and we Thank St. Rita's Church as well as Kristen and Connie whose donations have also helped our camps we serve. We also need to Thank; The City Mission, Lisa Drazil and Family, and more this week as well as those who helped us Wednesday!
Tuesday with Blessings.
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In Thinking Of Today's Blessings We celebrate the good that happens with Denison Avenue UCC, and all of the good that's offered to others! Please See the services offered! We Thank Rev. Laura Jaissle and family whose been such a help for us, to offer some smiles to others in need of a little more. Please see Lakewood United Methodist Church's Website to learn more. We also give thanks to Holy Angels Church that help make Tuesday's an easier day, along with a gentleman Christopher Moore. Today we had; John ,Eileen along with Marty and Tara who helped tonight!! Thank You!
Monday Thank You's!!
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We celebrate the help of others as the togetherness makes such a difference! Today we'd like to Thank; Chris Moore, Steve Primeau, Heather Lopez and Janice who sure made a difference in helping ! We also would like to Thank Malachi House for a donation, one that also will help us help Y -haven. We also need to share a Thank you to Pastor Laura in helping us with some of our families, as her family and her help to celebrate the season!
Home bound and Shut in.
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The 3rd Saturday of the month is So Very Important to us as we are honored and celebrate being able to visit home bound seniors.. The community that we visit mean so very much to us as they are apart of our family whose experiences help us as we share laughter and tears. Home bound or Shut in means some luxuries like; walking to the other room, going to check the mail, or going to the store is more than a challenge. For some of our senior family they're accompanied with; walkers, oxygen tanks, or wheel chairs. Many of our home bound and seniors need more attention, and today with one of our family due to the lack of attention she is without an aid helping her with her home and her med's. We also celebrate our collaboration of friends with Our Lady Help of Christians Parish who help us the 3rd Saturday of the month who take time with us to deliver hope and goods. Today friends delivered the holiday bags for many...
Sharing some gratitude
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We'd like to share our gratitude to The City Mission who continue to bless us to bless others. This organization just does so much for so many. h ttps:// We also would like to bring some awareness to Renee Jones Empowerment Center. If you need some help and don't know where to go for support in starting over from trafficking, please call Renee. Holy Angels Church as come through in helping another gentleman for the " Open Door re entry Program". We have been asked to help, and realize that grace and yet's have many levels. We thank this community for helping with another..
Sharing Thank You's.
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We wanted to take a minute to Thank Many today whose generosity has touched us, which then went to others. We need to share some Thank You's to; Steve P. Alicemarie L. Mark L. Laura's House Onix Outreach The Church of Ascension's Margie Hildebrand and the A.U. group The Mentor Ladies Bible Study Group The Lantern Center Ethan Learn Lisa Drazil and family with St. Paul's Lutheran Church Michael Mackow Riderz of the Reaper Thank You again for all of the help and or donations!
Helping others during a time of need with an " Open Door", Re- Entry Program .
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When others are offered grace to restart a new life Sometimes a new beginning starts with a mustard seed of faith, and help from others This holiday we've been approached with a challenge. We have 12 men who for the holiday need some basic's. Not luxuries, basic's. We've been blessed with people who've helped 5. We still have more to go. #6 T. P. Boots -13. Pants-44/34 Shirts-2x Coat -3x #7. G.T. Boots 8 Pants-34/30 Shirts- Lg/ We have Coat Lg/ We have #8. K.F. Boots- 8 1/2 Pants - 32/32 Shirts-Med/ We have Coat Med #9 K.G. Boots - 11 Pants -38-32 Shirt-XL/ We have Coat-XL / We have #10 A. S. Boots - 10 1/2 Pants 40-30 Shirts -2x Coat 2X #11 C.W. Boots 12 Pants 40/32 Shirts-2x Coat 2x #12. J.S. Boots -11 Jeans 44/32 Shirt-3x Coat 3x